Category: Press Releases

Supercomputing Conference 2023

SC23 This year, the annual Supercomputing conference was hosted in Denver, Colorado. InfiniteTactics presented the Analytics Gateway™ for the third year in a row showcasing our Mobile Tactical Edge HPC solution. SC23 was an outstanding conference for InfiniteTactics where we enjoyed the opportunity to interface face to face with our existing customers and make new…
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Supercomputing Conference 2022

SC22 This was InfiniteTactics’s second year in a row to present the Analytics Gateway™ at the annual Supercomputing conference – SC22. This year the team was represented by Jack Harris, Wynnee Harris, Ryan Larson, Stephen Nehrbass, and Chris Harris. It was wonderful to interface, face to face, with existing customers and to make new contacts…
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Supercomputing Conference 2021

Edge Computing With AWS Snowball InfiniteTactics debuted the Analytics Gateway™ at SC21 in St. Louis, Missouri. Attendees were able to see a live demo of the technology running on the floor using an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Snowball. According to Amazon: AWS Snowball … is an edge computing, data migration, and edge storage device ……
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